Thursday, April 30, 2009


Yesterday was Bobby's last baseball game of the season. We are so proud of him for going out and playing a sport he has "never" played before. This is actually the third sport he has played this year. First was football (his true love), second basketball and third baseball. Wow, the Lord has sure blessed Bobby with natural athletic talent in almost everything he does. It also doesn't hurt attending a school that allows you the opportunity to play any sport you wish, due to their size.

Bobby was the catcher for the team and occasionally pitched.

Bobby up to bat. Bobby pitching.

Jillian and Courtney at Bobby's game. Of course they were not happy that I wanted to take their picture and gave me the typical teenager look, I mean glare!

This is the cheesy look...

Patience is a virtue with teenagers, I finally got my perfect picture!
I didn't get a picture of Cassie. Sorry Cassie. Don't worry you know that doesn't happen very often!


  1. Oh i love the cheese!!!! Jillian does it so well.. ;) Go Bob! He totally looks like a ball player. What sport is next??? love ya
