Friday, July 24, 2009


I never thought I would say this... I love getting older! Yes, I know it sounds crazy, but there is a peace that comes once you embrace it. I am at an age where I can appreciate life. I am healthy, I have a wonderful husband, I have three incredible children and I have fabulous friends and family who love me unconditionally. Are there trials? You bet, but I am blessed and I cherish everyday, because getting older is a "GIFT"! Well, here we go with just some of the special birthday wishes.

My friend Vi, one of the Paperdoll Girls, came over to bring me a gift and one of my favorite desserts!!!

I have one of those purses where I can change the outside cover to match any outfit, a Miche Bag. Vi has been taking pictures for the last year of my different purse covers and found this cute purse frame for my birthday!!! Those roses are from Jim for our anniversary. They had seen better days...I received these beautiful flowers from my mom...This is my good friend Diana, from Grass Valley, who came down last Saturday and took me for a facial for my birthday!!! What a special gift... Diana use to live in Elk Grove and we took a picture here on my front porch, because these steps were where we use to pray. I cannot even tell you how many times we sat right there and prayed, cried and laughed!!! Memories...This has been the summer for friends coming to visit me. Karen, who moved to Colorado several years ago, came to visit and we celebrated both of our birthdays. She just entered the fabulous 40's... WELCOME, they are truly fabulous! I miss you so much Karen! This is another dear dear friend Kathy. We use to work together and have been friends forever! She brought me my favorite dessert last weekend for my birthday. Unfortunately, it is Jim's favorite too, so I didn't get to eat the entire fruit cobbler. Yes, I have many favorite desserts. Hopefully, I will still get my favorite red velvet cake from my mom!!!! Speaking of red velvet cakes, when my family lived in VA, my sister Robin always made me a red velvet cake on my birthday. She knew how much I loved them and knowing mom wasn't here to make one, she would. I haven't forgotten Robin and thank you because I know they are really hard cakes to make!! Since Jim was out of town on my actual birthday my sweet sister Cara took me to dinner. What can I say, I am blessed. It would take to long to share ALL the special gifts, calls and tributes, however, I have been deeply touched by each and everyone of you...

1 comment:

  1. You've got the things in life that matter most!

    What a beautiful tribute to your birthday.
