Monday, July 20, 2009


My dear friend Pam, Wayne and her daughter Haley came for a visit from Riverside. Pam and I use to work together at the Department of Education, over 20 years ago. We have remained close and have enjoyed watching our kids grow up together. Pam and Wayne took off to Napa and Haley stayed with us for a few days. Here are some pictures of all our activities. You won't see Cassie because she went camping with a friend...

Melissa, Haley, Jillian and Pam...

Pam and Wayne...After Pam and Wayne left. Haley, Jillian and I meet another good friend Gail, and her daughters, for a movie "My Sister's Keeper". Great movie but take your tissue!!!!! Gail and I grew up together in Nicolas, CA. We went to school together, her parents and my parents went to school together, as did our grandparents. Our nick name in college was "womb mates". Yes, we went to college together and were room mates! Now our children are growing up together... Here are our girls... Hailey (just graduated from High School), Hannah, Jillian and Haley.

The next day we went to Six Flags, Discovery Kingdom. Melissa and Jillian.
Haley and Jillian.

Bobby and his friend David.

Bobby and myself. Note, my painted tattoo? In honor of the 4th of July!
Bobby doesn't care for big scary roller coasters. This is the closest he would come to riding the Medusa.
Haley talked Jillian into riding the Medusa. First time for Jillian!!!!She loved it!!!! So much she rode it another 4 times!!!!

Water ride... yes, they were soaked!

Some pictures with the characters... Bugs and the girls!

I had to get in on the action. Of course, the boys were having no part of these pictures!

We ran into the kids all time favorite teacher... Mrs. Burg. We love you Mrs. Burg!!!

Her son Jacob and Bobby... Bobby misses Jacob. They no longer attend the same school.

The next day we went to Raging Waters... the girls off to get wet!
The boys... doesn't it look like LA with the palm trees in the back ground? Bobby and David.

The girls getting ready to ride another slide...

Our good bye's...
Bobby and Haley...
It was so nice to see Pam again!!!


  1. HAHAH Melissa.. I love your hard core tat! You rebel you!! I can't help but laugh and laugh when I look at your blog! Bob, Jillian and you are so funny! GREAT!!!!! PICTURES!!!! love you tons and tons!

  2. I totally remember Gail and I remember going to her apartment one time with you and playing with her little girls- all grown up now! I didn't know you guys went back so far, wow!!!

    I was totally jealous of the Six Flags pictures. I LOVE amusement parks. I haven't gone since before Reagan was born and I am totally missing it! Unlike Bobby I am all about the thriller rides. Did he see Lauren and Micah's video of Thunder Mountain, talk about little dare devils!
